為了創造符合先進AI開發和HPC要求的系統層級性能,需要將多個接近光罩極限大小的先進元件與十幾個HBM進行大規模積體化。由於該封裝的尺寸超過100mm x 100mm,基於現有300mm晶圓製造的CoWoS(晶圓級封裝)開始顯現生產效率和成本效益的極限,因此對PLP(面板級封裝)製程的高品質開發寄予厚望。然而,由於Organic mold基板的翹曲問題尚未充分解決,因此面板級製程進行大規模積體化仍然困難。本課題將整理現有PLP的挑戰,並討論引入Glass interposer和Glass substrate的期望與挑戰。
一、Challenges to ensure PLP process integrity for large size AI/HPC modules
1-1. Warpage issues due to CTE mismatch between EMC and organic interposer materials
1-2. Advancement in reticle-free direct patterning process on large panel for fine pitch RDL
二、Why glass interposers/substrates are emerging
三、Through glass via (TGV) process
3-1. 2-step TGV opening process capability
3-2. Process integration and reliability issues due to thermal stress generated in Cu-filled TGV:
.Protrusion in Cu-filled TGV, glass cracking, Cu peel-offs at sidewall of TGV and at the RDL
.bottom interface on the glass surface, and their related problems.
四、Future Co-packaged optics integration on glass substrate
五、Closing and Q&A
任職東芝半導體期間,曾歷經Si晶圓、LSI製程開發(先端Device精細化)、Bumping、ChipーPackage Interaction、半導體設備3D-IC製程開發、Memory事業(TSV、WLP、模組的產品化開發)
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